Atefe Pirzade 的个人资料

Ceramic Tile Catalogue

Almas Kavir is one of the biggest tiles & ceramics manufacturing complex in Iran. This catalogue represents floor tiles collection of 2016. 

Designer Mission
Mainly I was the Graphic designer and also I was in charge of leading and tracking of design progress in whole team, like ceramic scanning, 3D modeling, color correction and print. The project is done in Arvin Ceramic ITUK. 

Design Challenge
Apart from the challenges of a creative and informative design in calatoge media, one of the biggest challenges of catalog design for ceramic tile brands is the adjusting the color printed in the catalog to the actual color printed on the ceramic. The problem is even a tiny bit difference in any color parameters like brightness, darkness, hue or saturation (which is inevitable in the regular printing process) may represent another product of company. Our big challenge in this catalog is to minimize the color difference between the catalog and the actual product. 
Design Solution
As a solution, I try to minimize all possible errors in the process of scanning, 3D modeling, composition, and finally print. In this regard, I adjust the color after any single part is done. the final and the most critical color adjustment is the print house.  

Date: 2016

Ceramic Tile Catalogue

Ceramic Tile Catalogue
