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4 Basic Things To Know About Fiber Optic Installation

4 Basic Things To Know About Fiber Optic Installation

It is no surprise that when it comes to Ethernet cables, today the fiber optic technology is mostly preferred over the copper wires. It is so because of the unparalleled features that it offers, whether we talk about the speed, security, or anything else.

However, for any person to enjoy these remarkable services, understanding the basics of fiber internet installation is very crucial. Unless you fix up your cables properly, you cannot avail of these features and are only going to invest your money for nothing.

Installation of these cables isn’t a tricky job but it still requires you to be careful and have a fair bit of knowledge. Go through the points given below so that you can carry out your fiber optic installation efficiently.

Fiber Cables Are More Fragile

The first crucial thing to keep in mind when installing fiber optic cables is that these are much delicate than your copper wires and need to be handled carefully. You wouldn’t want to damage your cables even before you install them. The people in your team you are going to be involved in this installation must be informed about the same in advance to avoid any unwanted loss.

Get The Required Cable Length

Next, if you want to enjoy an uninterrupted live video streaming services with your fiber optic cables, placing the cables properly is crucial. And for that, using the correct cable length is important. Trying to stretch the cable beyond its abilities will only increase the possibilities of it breaking down, wasting your time, money, and spoiling your internet surfing experience. You must measure the area and then buy the fiber cables accordingly.

Do Not Exceed The Cables Bend Radius

Every cable has it’s bend radius that every installer must know about. Fiber may be stronger than your steal but only when you try to pull it forward a bit. When you bend it, it is going to break easily. Initially, you may not realize it as it doesn’t show on the outside but slowly, the fiber inside the cable gets damaged and ultimately in a few years, it will stop working completely.

Planning Is The Key

Whether it is fiber optic installation or any other activity, everything needs planning. Without it, you are more likely to make more mistakes while carrying out the installation. Your planning  must include the above-mentioned points along with things such as location, budget, cable requirement, internet requirement, and more. Planning gives you enough time to access whether you are making any mistake.


Next time you are going to get fiber internet for your workplace or home, these points will surely make it easier for you. The only thing now left is to reach out to a decent internet provider. Teledata  ICT is one of the best providers in Ghana and you can contact them for your different internet requirements.
4 Basic Things To Know About Fiber Optic Installation

4 Basic Things To Know About Fiber Optic Installation
