Profil von Roger Conley Wood

Ralph Lauren RLX (Web/Product Design)

The project was a joint venture between Ralph Laruen and Reebok. This was my first involvement in a project wherein the physical product and its digital extension were designed in concert. The work was exhilarating. I was involved the design of the physical product and personally led the design of the web presence.
I extended the design language from the collection, emphasizing the technology of the materials used in the products, and de-emphasizing physical action. Since I had a minor role in the product design itself, I felt more confident in designing a visual merchandising approach that went beyond the typical digital 'shelf-like' product presentation. Most Internet retailers emphasize price and availability as visual markers for navigation - the artistic accomplishment of this project was introduction of sensuality into a sales-driven ecommerce design. 
My first footwear designs ever.
Ralph Lauren RLX (Web/Product Design)


Ralph Lauren RLX (Web/Product Design)

The creation and launch of the Ralph Lauren RLX product and internet presence.

