Kostek Wolny 的个人资料

Wastelands: Lady Assassin

She is the perfect killer. A genetically engineered clone from a Syndicate farm. Stronger, more durable with stronger bones and accelerated  body regeneration. Blindly obeying orders of command. She is the pinnacle of the development of military engineering. While returning from the mission to the Syndicate base, their ship crashes and drifts in space for a while. Rescued by the Junkers who searched the ship. She survived despite the failure of her cryo-cabin, the rest of the team died. Unfortunately, as a result of the malfunctioning cabin and radiation, changes in her body took place. After inspection of the ship, the failure turned out to be not accidental. It was an attack. Wanting to recover and wait, she hid in the No Man's Lands. The third most dangerous woman in the Wastelands world.
version A, line art
version B
version C, Wasteland edition ;)
version C - line art, Wasteland edition ;) 
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Wastelands: Lady Assassin


Wastelands: Lady Assassin
