Bo A.'s profile

do good (in progress)

Initial sketches (yes, I planned on a Part II. With the moody owl, absorbs the good energy from the plant, and turns into a happy pigeon :) It gets pretty crazy...

Illustrated storyboard

Screenshots of the (in-progress) animation.
Inspired by the idea that it’s light and water that give lives, I went out and spent hours sketching in the sun and observed things that are given by nature. Then, the thought of the great greek philosopher Plato’s “Good” entered my sketchbook. His famous “The Allegory of the Cave” in which the sun is used as a metaphor for the highest good.

Even in the darkest cave, if anyone ever got a chance to experience the rays of sunlight, his/her life will change forever. And to see everything in another light, it is to simply be aspired to be good.
The little worm—a low and small life—is a metaphor for an individual living among others within the complex world that’s much larger than himself/herself. The drop of water represents a simple and small initiation that we can make (plus, water also makes up a large percentage of all organic bodies). Before we know, we’re probably creating the whole forest with two hands.

We only need to push our good intention a little further. It’s a simple philosophy of a good life.

p.s. This project is currently put on pause. I'm hoping to continue working on it when time permits :)
do good (in progress)

do good (in progress)

A story of a little life doing a greater good.
