Perfil de Bhavana koti

Zori, Zuala & Zli

Zori, Zuala and Zli are the 3 characters I developed 
for a personal project during the lockdown.

The fierce Princess of the woods. Follower of the stars, while the kingdom follows her. 
Her tang braids keeps her indestructible powers tamed.
Holding the colours of the ocean in her eyes,she stands with her people.
Undaunted and gracious
We embrace her.
Meet - Z O R I -

Curious to unfold the mysteries that this world holds. Heads the troop to guard his tribe.
Calm and charm in his walk. The troop's tactics still remains a mystery!
Meet - Z U A L A -

The witch of the jungle. Epitome of none but in her tummy goes everyone. Her strength is
 to control her powers on a click of her finger. She can smell all your mischiefs. With her cape hovering
 over her she keeps a close eye over her enemies. She finds humans quite boring, snapping
 some bones gets her going.
Meet - Z L I -

Zori, Zuala & Zli


Zori, Zuala & Zli
