Every year Design Services creates new promotional materials to be given away at FallFest, an annual event sponsored by the Carolina Union to kick off the school year. The 2013–2014 school year's theme was "Tell Better Stories," geared towards helping student groups and University Departments tell their organization's stories better through design.
Design, illustration and content created while at Carolina Union Marketing & Design with Christina Berkowitz.
Cover of the Design Services zine
Detail shot of an art page I created using hand-painted typography
Tiny fortune teller from the zine
Tiny fortune teller from the zine
Water bottles hold promotional materials given to students at FallFest
Water bottle design
Sticker sheets
Sticker sheet detail
Promotional pens
Button designs
Design Services Promotional Materials

Design Services Promotional Materials

Promotional materials for the Carolina Union at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.



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