Benteng Heritage Museum

Benteng Heritage Museum 
Final thesis project by Ernest Widi
Additional support: Dini Dermawan & Vikha Puti Madani

As the first Peranakan Chinese cultural museum in Indonesia, Benteng Heritage Museum holds a vital role in communicating stories of how tolerance is embodied in the form of amalgamation between two cultures: the native culture of Nusantara and the ancient Chinese culture brought by voyagers who settled in Tangerang: one of Peranakan's points of origin in Indonesia and home to the museum itself.

The brand identity aims to encapsulates tolerance; a timeless and important value to brought forth amidst a highly diverse cultural backgrounds in Indonesia, while simultaneously elevates the museum's brand as a national museum to be on par with more modern, private-owned museums. Thus, the brand identity is driven by an underlying narrative "Celebration of Tolerance", strives to capture a bold, festive, and lively spirit in its delivery.

The logo embodies the tolerance-imbued origins of Peranakan Chinese culture with Liong Naga Nusantara, a long dragon puppet from traditional dragon dances crafted with Balinese people’s craftsmanship, adorned with water element as a subtle nod to Cisadane River, a river in Tangerang region where the followers of Admiral Zheng He harboured and helped set the acculturation in motion.

Various complementary visuals include a dynamic dragon stroke, crafted as an extension from the logo, as well as ceramic shards modules with porcelain motifs derived from museum’s historic ornate void relief, exclusively built into the buildings of dignitaries in the area.

Benteng Heritage Museum

Benteng Heritage Museum

A brand identity for the first Peranakan Chinese museum in Indonesia
