This scenario video shows a typical user journey from the CSA to consumer. The increasing demand for quality and variety in our diets has exhausted our global food resources. A hopeful upturn in local farming has alleviated some of the burden, but local vendors are often overlooked for the convenience of large supermarkets.
All food is packaged & delivered in reclaimed wooden crates that vary in size depending on the consumer's level of subscription. All crates are delivered at the beginning of the week, hand-packed with goods. The next week, a hopefully empty crate is swapped out with the next week's fresh ingredients. Included in each week's delivery are suggested recipes that correlate with the week's ingredients.
Visual language is used in conjunction with overall system and touch points. These Icons & Landscapes were used across platforms such as website, catalogue, nutrition app, and various print material. A lot of these visuals were created collaboratively with Zoë Symon.
Designed to help consumers keep best track of their nutritional intake, the mobile application was designed to be integrated into the service, creating a simple easy framework to monitor, track, and inform food decisions. A bank of ingredients would be stored within the application that correlate with both with the season of year and ingredients included in your weekly subscription.
Local's Market

Local's Market

a CSA for Raleigh, NC, designed and branded as a hypothetical food service and solution as a way to bridge the gap between local producers and co Læs mere
