Disease is a board game based on the 1968 science fiction short-story “Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones”, by Samuel Delaney. Within it, the characters travel around the three worlds trying to expand their presence, climb up the criminal social ladder, and kill each other off. 

My game tries to capture the essence of the narrative as players play through the storyline and interact with each other.
I was inspired by the explosion of color-printing in the 40's and 50's, as well as the wonderfully wacky portrayals of the future during that time period.
Instruction Manual:
Saddle-stitched 12 page booklet.
Watercolor paper, inkjet

Gameboard + pieces:
Lasercut acrylic, paper, paint
Gameboard + pieces:
Lasercut acrylic, paper, paint.Gameboard + pieces:

Lasercut acrylic, paper, paint.


Disease is a board game based on the 1968 science fiction short-story “Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones”, by Samuel Delaney. Wi Read More
