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Nature Inspired Design

Nature Inspired Design [2020]
Product - Nail cutter
Inspiration - Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

“To design a nail-cutter that is inspired from the elements present in different forms, functions, patterns, events, and/or phenomena of nature which are extremely dynamic and form a unique ecosystem.
To understand and study various flora and fauna which have adapted and evolved, over a period of millions of years.”

Inspiration mood board

It is very ironic that the largest creature on our planet was taken as an inspiration for one of the smallest objects of our daily lives.

Its stylish and bold visual appeal makes it an ideal product to use, which can be kept in any part of the home as a decorative piece, when not in use.

The upper metal plate has a metal projection which snap fits onto the flexible outer silicone body. While removing it, the user has to just pull the outer body from the sides due to which the metal nail cutter body will get released from the middle.
The lower translucent silicone body acts as a collector for nails, when we cut them. Thus they can be discarded later on by separating the nail cutter and the body.

These blue-grey giants have a long, stream-lined body, a wide head, huge flippers, a powerful tail and a small dorsal fin. Some individuals have a yellowy-colored underside, giving rise to the nickname ‘sulphur bottom’ whales. Thus, the form of the blue whale was studied in detail in order to sculpt the lower body.

Fun fact - When eating, the whale lets a huge volume of water and krill into its mouth. It then pushes the water through its 300-400 baleen plates, which trap the tasty grub to be swallowed.

User scenario
Nature Inspired Design

Nature Inspired Design
