Julia Albul's profile

cTrader Mobile Blotter MVP (2020)

User’s Blotter. Stage 1 — MVP (2020)
Client / Company

Spotware Systems (cTrader), financial technology provider. https://spotware.com/
The Product

User's Blotter is a section in cTrader mobile app that provides users with various information on markets, events and trading activity and thus engages to trade more. Check it out at Spotware cTrader Public Beta (Android), and also find more in this LinkedIn post.

About cTrader: Spotware’s flagship trading platform solution and a brand trusted by millions of traders worldwide in the Forex and CFD trading space. It offers manual, copy and automated trading covering all type of traders’ needs. cTrader features advanced analytical tools, a wide range of order types and responsive charts with more than 70 indicators. It comes in the desktop, web, Android and iOS mobile versions that support the entire trader lifecycle. Public Beta: ​​​​​​​https://www.spotware.com/beta/ 
Problem the Project was Intended to Solve

We want to encourage users to trade more, and we can facilitate this by providing various interesting trading-related content for them, such as news, trading ideas and important economic calendar events — with convenient means to set preferencies, filter content and create trades right on the spot.
My Role

UX/UI designer. Designed and refined the feature in collaboration with CEO, Product Owner and developers, supported designs throughout the whole development cycle.
MVP Overview: Feed, Expandable Cards with CTAs, Filtering Options

The Blotter is an information section within the cTrader moble app, where important economic, trading-related and other relevant events should be represented. It should increase user retention, help users discover opportunities for trading and possibly to trade more — by suggesting trading ideas, providing economic news, allowing users to comment on economic events, and to share their own trading ideas. 

At the MVP Stage the Blotter will contain a feed of essential event types represented as expandable cards (with CTAs that lead to cTrader functional screens where applicable) to hook users, and will be expanded with additional functionality in Stage 2. The Blotter should also have filter settings for a user to manage which types of events and for which accounts he would like to see.

Because the design style for cTrader mobile was already developed (see my project cTrader Mobile – Android and iOS Native Apps), I prototyped the Blotter in high-fidelity.
Event Types (MVP)
Event Timestamps
Sessions and Accounts (MVP)
Transactions (MVP)
Market Analysis (MVP)
Trading (MVP)
cTrader Copy Events (Provider)
cTrader Copy Events (Investor)

The User's Blotter Stage 1 (MVP) was rolled out live and currently traders can enjoy it with some brokers, i.e. TopFX. You can also check it out at Spotware cTrader Public Beta (Android) and also find more in this LinkedIn post.

The Stage 2 is on its way, with even more varied content and enhanced functionality, so stay tuned for updates! ;)
cTrader Mobile Blotter MVP (2020)

cTrader Mobile Blotter MVP (2020)
