Pontest - Brand & UI


Create a world-class brand strategy and visual identity to position Pontest as a leading company in the logistics industry.

We worked alongside the Pontest team in crafting a strategy that would help solidify their core values and principles, and we also designed an unique yet versatile visual identity that reflects their mission to create sustainable connections between consumers and leading lifestyle brands across the globe.


Part of our methodology is always listening to the client and what they truly need, rather than what they say they need, so in order to look for that truth we engage the client directly in a strategy workshop where we employ methods like ‘The Golden Circle’ in order to fully understand their business and vision.

This enabled us to design a logotype and brand system that reflects Pontest’s core mission: to create sustainable connections between brands and people, respecting the diversity of a global team and the versatility of the logistics industry. With this initial step completed, we then proceeded to design a new, conversion-optimized website with its respective Design System in order to ensure that all brand touchpoints are consistent and adhere to the initial strategy.

Pontest - Brand & UI