Edoardo Guidos profil

Whatsapp for iOS 7

Whatsapp for iOS 7
[Updated 10-1-2013]
Since Whatsapp's user interface sucks (from my point of view) and we don't know WHEN the new design will be revealed (they are very slooooooow with updates), I have decided to play my part redesigning whatsapp for the next version of apple's operating system :D
Thanks to Teehanlax for the iOS7 GUI PSD (used for navbar buttons and keyboard).
Thanks to Pixeden for the Flat iPhone 5 Mockup Template.
(First image is the presentation of the UI, next there are the single screenshots)
I really hope it will be appreciated!
Whatsapp for iOS 7

Whatsapp for iOS 7

Whatsapp redesigned for iOS7



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