Hello! My name is Carolina Detlefsen and here are some of the digital composition I was assigned to do for one of my class project in University. This project was all about creative strategies and below I will explain every one of them individually!


This strategy is about on combine two different objects or forms together to become one and transmit a unique message as it now became something new.
For this composition I combined a pair of glasses and two cups of coffee to chocolate milk to create an a new object.  Then I added some shadow that I was recommended to add ny my companions and finally put a spoon as a detail.

This strategy is based on combine two different objects or forms together to become one and transmit a unique message as it now became something new.
For this composition I tried to emphasizes the size different in the glasses in contrast with the people in the back, to create that Juxtaposition feel to the design. I added some contrast to the composition to give  power to the photo and make it more eyes catching.


Isolation is about making an object stand out from it’s surroundings or other objects you are putting it with so that it can be visually highlighted and have the audience focus on it.
For this design I started creating a new background for the glasses. After that I copy and pasted the glasses so I would have many of them to later create a contrast with the pair that would  be different. Finally I recognized them into the layer and choose the one at the top, changed the frame and put some shadows to increase the feel of insolation.

Metaphor or Simile!

Metaphor or Simile is about creating an image that can transmit a message or have a metaphor to it even if the object used is not related to that message in general. The secret is to make it meaningful for the viewer in a way that the metaphor we are intended for is understandable.
For this composition I wanted to give a good metaphor and message that would relate with the use of my object. We often have hard times in our life but I believe that  having a positive mind set and be able to actually see the good things in every aspect can change every situation we are destined to go through.  So I started by putting a dark image of a night as a background that represent of all the difficulties in our life and then added a hand holding a pair of glasses that show a clearer and closer look of the woods as it really is, with all it’s beautifulness. 

Change of Context/Environment!

This strategy is about putting together objects in an unnatural way that it’s not usually seen so that it can convey a message. It is not meant to be realistic but it has to make sense because the purpose of this strategy is to communicate an idea.
For this composition put a pair of round glasses into a wall to convert them into windows. I had to add some shadow to make it more realistic and also I choose an image that would have a wall with some object to make a contract with the window. 

Physical/Shape Similarity!

This strategy centers around making connections between totally different objects that have similar physical characteristics. Usually, these objects are not related to each other but because of the physical similarities, they can connect with each other somehow.
One of the refinements I made in this design was the change of color. The original image of the globe was not in monochromatic color so I had to change it to match the original photo of the man. Also as the It can be seen the man it’s not completely defined so I tried to blur the “new glasses“ a little bit to match with the photo of the man but not too much so that the glasses are center of the design itself.

Material Change/Swap/Focus!

This strategy is about swap the wall texture of an object that we are used to seeing, to a literal interpretation of it related to the original object or purpose, so it can produce a material and texture change.
For this design I wanted to transform a normal pair of glasses to a bunch of paint with the form  of glasses. At first it was pretty challenging because i had to create a mask for the background of the glasses to then crop it and past it inside of the shape of the I wanted but I feel like the idea I had in my mind really transported to the layer. Finally to give it a sense of realism I added some splashing and drops . 

Hope you enjoyed watching my compositions!
Creative Strategies!


Creative Strategies!
