Button Snake
This work helps children learn how to dress -- more specifically, how to button. With buttons attached on either end of the ribbon, the goal is to putting the felt squares over a button and down the "snake's body one square at a time. This helps with fine motor skills.
Pin Poking
The child carefully pokes holes into the paper with a pushpin. They poke all the way around a shape until the shape is free from the rest of the paper. A soft felt mat protects hard surfaces from being scratched by the pushpin. Pin poking helps strengthen concentration, coordination, and their pincer grip for writing.
Clothesline Clothes
These are just a few of the clothes I cut out of felt for a clothesline activity. Children hang the felt clothes with small clothespins onto a clothesline, refining their motor skills along the way.
Sorting and Counting
These are three handsewn felt bags and felt hearts of various colors. The goal is for the child to recognize and sort hearts to the color matching bag. Then, they can count how many hearts go into each bag. There are five hearts of each color.
Montessori Works

Montessori Works
