Hong Wai 洪慧作品集's profile

蕾絲書法 Hong Kong Express— Lace Pleated Calligraphy

是一系列以書法形式呈現的織物雕塑,以硬化蕾絲作為筆墨,香港八九十年代流行文化作為文本,由2020年疫情期間開始創作。文化學者李展鵬說: 「一直以來,香港最重要的文化領域就是流行文化。」
蕾絲,這種被性別化的材質[2],象徵著私密、神秘、浪漫和性的多重層面。我以蕾絲書法書寫廣東歌詞,如《壞女孩》、《春光乍洩》、《芳華絕代》、《夢中人》等,作品聚焦於愛情、性別和文化身份。 (見圖1-2)

[1] 見於李展鶻,梅豔芳興香港文化流行文化研討會引文,202424日於香港大學

Lace Pleated Calligraphy
Cultural scholar Li Zhanpeng remarks, "Hong Kong's most significant cultural domain has always been popular culture. Starting in the 1970s, due to various economic, social, and cultural factors, Hong Kong absorbed a large amount of foreign culture from Japan and the West, integrating Eastern elements to create the globally acclaimed popular culture of that time. This modern and diverse cultural form is represented by Hong Kong cinema and pop music. Gender images were crucial in Hong Kong's popular culture at that time."

The birth of "Lace Pleated Calligraphy" can be traced back to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. This series presents textile sculptures in the form of calligraphy, using hardened lace as the medium and incorporating the text from Hong Kong's pop culture. Lace, a gendered material, symbolizes various aspects of intimacy, mystery, romance, and sexual implications. I use lace calligraphy to write Cantonese song lyrics, such as "Bad Girl," "In the Mood for Love," "Farewell My Concubine," and "Dreamlover," expressing the heterogeneous gender elements in Hong Kong's popular culture, including Anita Mui's allure and fierceness, Leslie Cheung's androgyny, and Anthony Wong's rebellious femininity. The works focus on love, gender exploration, and cultural identity. 

Creation Method of "Lace Pleated Calligraphy"
The primary creation method of "Lace Calligraphy" is the "Folding Brushstroke" technique. This technique, widely used in textile and fashion, involves using the folds of lace to replace traditional ink brushstrokes, constructing the brushstroke's form through the folds of the fabric. In the final stage of the artwork, I harden and fix the lace, creating a textile sculpture.

蕾絲書法 -- « 夢中人»
Lace Pleated Calligraphy – Dream Lover

硬化聚酯蕾絲,打褶漢字 « 夢中人» ,尺寸120X35X7cm
Hardened polyester lace, pleated Chinese characters "夢中人" (Dream Lover), dimensions 120X35X7cm.
Inspired by Faye Wong's song "夢中人" (Dream Lover) and the theme song of Wong Kar-wai's film "Chungking Express." (1994)
蕾絲書法 -- « 夢中人» 側面
Lace Pleated Calligraphy – Dream Lover, side view
蕾書系列 -- « 天姿國色 »


蕾書系列 -- « 天姿國色 » 的"天"

蕾絲書法-- « Why Why Tell Me Why»
Lace Pleated Calligraphy

硬化聚酯蕾絲打褶英文“Why Why Tell Me Why"尺寸120X70X7cm,2024
Hardened polyester lace, pleated English words " Why Why Tell Me Why", dimensions 120X7X7cm.
Inspired by Anita Mui's song《壞女孩》 (Bad Girl) (1986)
«Why» 正面​​​​​​​
why 側面
«Tell me» 正面和側面
«Tell me»  側面
蕾書系列 -- « 沒有辦法做乖乖»

硬化聚酯蕾絲打褶中文 « 沒有辦法做乖乖»,尺寸160X80X7cm,2024
蕾書系列 -- « 沒有辦法做乖乖»的"乖"​​​​​​​
蕾絲書法 -- « 沒有辦法做乖乖» 側面​​​​​​​
蕾絲書法 -- « 沒有辦法做乖乖» 側面​​​​​​​
蕾絲書法 -- « 沒有辦法做乖乖» 的"辦法"
蕾絲書法 – «  » 側面和正面
Lace Pleated Calligraphy - "Eternity"   Side View and Front View

硬化聚酯蕾絲,打褶漢字“永,尺寸70X40X7cm2023年。Hardened polyester lace, pleated Chinese character "" (Eternity), dimensions 70X40X7cm, created in 2023.


I used the "Eight Principles of the Character 'Yong'" as the foundation for the "Folding Brushstroke" technique. The first lace calligraphy work is the character "永" (Yong). Traditionally, mastering the character "" is considered the beginning of mastering basic calligraphy skills. Through creating the character "," I established three-dimensional folding methods for each brushstroke, serving as an exploration of the "Folding Brushstroke" technique

[1] 「永字八法」是指中國書法中字形結構的基本筆劃,特指漢字「永」的八個基本構造筆劃:一點、一橫、一豎、一鈎、一撇、一捺等,傳統書法學習中,掌握「永」字是掌握基本書法技巧之始。

Lacy Calligraphies series, « Sky, Altitude, Nation, Loveliness », French made Calais lacy, variable size, 2020, HONG Wai
「蕾書」系列—— 天、姿、國、色,加萊蕾絲,大小可變,2020,洪慧作品 Dentelle De Calais

Work included in New Art Fest 2020, Lisbon’s annual Art Festival. In the “GenY” section, selected 10 Chinese artists borned after year 1980, presenting the Chinese New Media Art. 

蕾絲書法 Hong Kong Express— Lace Pleated Calligraphy

蕾絲書法 Hong Kong Express— Lace Pleated Calligraphy
