Teaser Pop

The best way to make your sites Pop in just a few minutes.

- It doesn’t need a MySQL database so you can just drag the folder into your server, paste a line of code and your’re done!
- Does not require any knowledge with PHP or Javascript.
- You can use it to show an image with optional link or a SWF .
- Best of all, it’s so easy to deploy and it comes with a CMS that allows you to set all the options in a simple way.
- It’s tested in firefox (PC, MAC ), internet explorer (6, 7, 8, 9) chrome (PC), safari (PC, MAC ) and opera (PC).
- PHP 5 and GD 2 .0+ 

- Jquery 1.3 (1.4+ recommended)

Live preview

You can also check out the Wordpress Plugin version

This is how the CMS looks.
Teaser Pop

Teaser Pop

Auto-Loading Lightbox with CMS.


크리에이티브 분야