the time for j u s t i c e does not expire.

We will not stand still neither become still, we cannot falter or let down anyone who is faced with racism in a world that favors white people in nearly any situation. The Black Lives Matter movement had its peak and sometimes it feels like it’s all going back to the same normal. But it’s not, and we won’t let it happen. 
Many people don’t understand that we have had it. It’s just enough, we won’t stop until systemic racism (and really any injustice towards minorities) is tackled and met with consequences EVERYWHERE. The time of injustice must be brought to an end and I will play my part in this as good as I can. Let’s not be fooled- it will take time, oh, it will.

But … the time for j u s t i c e does not expire. It never will.

And I carry a daily-reminder of that in form of the Together Daypack by SOULEWAY. It’s not only handmade in Hamburg, Germany, also do all of its profits go to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. They fight against racism, antisemitism and to enforce a democratic civil society- values I personally strongly believe in. I am very happy to be able to work with Souleway on promoting such a beautiful cause.
We will be actively anti-racism, we will end this unjust system, you’ll see. I believe in us and the coming generations to make things better, I really do.

Influencer Awareness Campaign for SOULEWAY
Awareness Campaign

Project Made For

Awareness Campaign

An Awareness Campaign for the German brand SOULEWAY. Influencer Marketing
