Perfil de Rajat Nayar

Sushant Singh Rajput : A View on Suicide

As everyone's aware, actor Sushant Singh Rajput had recently tragically taken his own life. But the various events that apparently led to this created a fractal image of the same; some parts clearer than others in the noise. But let's focus down to the main issue. Suicide isn't the answer, but it's easy to only say so. Sushant's case was but one of many aspiring youths, in India and around the globe, that have taken their own lives over stressful environments, lack of flexibility to failures, and various other untimely events that negatively impact them.

"Oh, man up. It’s nothing…" 

The failure here is that most of society sees the aspects mentioned previously as the problem, not symptoms of something bigger. An outright social stigma exists in talking about suicide, or about any of the problems one faces. This in its own right has many flaws. And one of the biggest is society having double standards of men and women alike about dealing with such issues. When was it not okay for anyone (man or woman) to shed a tear over anything that affected them?

The first step to solving any problem is recognizing there is one. And preventing more Sushant Singh cases from happening isn't just about saying that it isn't the answer. It is in being able to talk it out too. Yes, it’s emotionally draining to know that someone you know wanted to take their life. On a personal note, it was for me two years ago when a good friend brought up feeling tendencies of the same. But talking it out makes it all the more worth it in saving and watching the same person recuperate and thrive again.

"I’d commit suicide if I were you…"

Words are like hammers though. They can be a wonderful tool to build and reinforce, or as a weapon to destroy. And therein lies another flaw in the double standards of society, where people turn an absolute blind eye to what words were spoken or used against someone, either in person or behind the cover of any digital communication. This has been seen specially in the case of both physical or cyber bullying. While some people are resilient to this, not everyone is so fortunate. Again on a personal note, a friend of mine in the US lost her brother to suicide under the pressure of said bullying.

Measures are being steadily taken, as was seen in the US with the authorities setting a 3 digit helpline like 911 to address suicide. But it's time society stopped needing dramatic examples to shake out of this apathy, and cut off this stigma altogether. The sooner we set mental health with as much importance as our physical health, the better.
Sushant Singh Rajput : A View on Suicide

Sushant Singh Rajput : A View on Suicide

