Village Resource Center
Maharashtra, India
Feb 2009 | I joined Engineering Ministries International as an Intern Architect for six months and my first assignment was to join a team of professional architects and engineers for a project outside Mumbai. Our client was a Christian ministry whose aim is to establish relationship with villages in the state of Maharashtra by planting small campuses nearby with a clinic, classrooms, and meeting facilities. By providing education (literacy, vocational, hygiene) and basic medical services, they are able to share the love of Christ.

Our goal was to help this ministry assess their land and to design a campus that would not only meet their ministry vision but would also serve as a retreat for their pastors for annual gatherings as well as personal holidays.

After site assessment, analysis, programming and design, this was our result.

My specific role was in site analysis, master planning and in the design of the classroom/dormitory during the week we were on site. After returning to our office in North India (and our volunteer professionals had returned to the States), I was tasked with the production of CAD drawings for most of the project report.
Master Plan representing two phases of construction.
*rendering by G. West of eMi²*
Aerial perspective of campus. The rendered buildings represent phase 1 construction and are (clockwise from top) a prayer/water tower, classroom/dormitory building, clinic.
*Rendering by G. West of eMi²*
The classroom/dormitory building that was my main design responsibility.
A meeting of village men who were uneasy by the sight of white men with survey equipment near to their property. Our client sat down with them and explained everything in what I thought was a very interesting moment my first month in India. Here they sit on the land with the Western Ghats in the distance.
eMi² | Project 1
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eMi² | Project 1

A project I worked on while working as an Intern Architect with Engineering Ministries International in India.

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