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DVB102 / The Comic Strip

DVB102 / n10485309
This week we were tasked with creating original comic strips which told a short story. They were preferably based on an event in our lives and required as little colour as we can - none if we could. My comic tells the story of a science experiment I performed in Grade 9 and it was an event that I always think about because if the absurdity of the situation - it really did mentally affect me, given the very short period of panic I endured.


2015. Science Class. Group and I completing experiment, oblivious to messy table.
Notices black spots on hands and begins to question how, but is distracted.
The black spots have gotten bigger and more spread. What do I do?
2.4 / CLIMAX
Goes back to school and notices the stains on the table. Panics and contacts group.
Teacher delivers the solution, which is both embarrassing and relieving. Or is it?




The very first step I took was deciding what event to turn into a short comic. I've had a plethora of experiences and needed one which wouldn't require too much time. Once I had decided on my Grade 9 blunder, I organised the story into the five parts I felt hit the points of the story that I wanted to explore. 

After this, moved onto the panel setup. After finding the dimensions of an A3 page online, I divided the page into three equal parts. I divided the top third in half as I knew that setting context and building tension aren't the most important part to the story. I kept the whole middle third for the  tension as I envisioned it to be the most dramatic part of the story, its the most artistically scarce panel but the visual of the hand draws the reader in. I then divided the bottom third in half vertically and this was the beginning of the set up. 

I then created a 0.5mm space between each panel by measuring 0.25mm from the lines I divided the page with. This helped me to organise my thinking and make each panel a single contained artwork. After this, I used the calligraphy pen to add the drop shadow below each panel, as if there is a light source in the top left corner.​​​​​​​ I outlined the panels with the black marker and continued to sketch in the drawings.

I used the mechanical pencil to draw in each panel, making changes with the eraser and working towards the end goal. When this was done, I used the black marker and calligraphy pen to create clean lines and make it appear "printed." I used the HB pencil to add some shading and erased any pencil lines I didn't end up using.


This was such a fun week and I was able to experience the joy of English class. Creating a short story to then create this comic strip was very calming and allowed me to work with a medium I often despise - ink. Though ink creates some beautifully clean lines, it is very limited, there is really no room for error. Eventually I would love to reach a place where I am comfortable with using pen and making mistakes, but as for now, I'm content using pencil as a first step. During the process, I looked to my favourite anime and researched some comics (which I have a new found appreciation for, though I am still unfamiliar) all of which made it a point to show and not tell. I tried to limit my use of words during the design process, but found myself adding in more text by the end of it as I thought it helped understand the plot a bit more. I would also love to learn to control my grip with markers as some lines appear heavier ass ink leaked when I wold press too hard.

To improve on this, I would one; try to include some more visual cues and use less text and two; work on being lighter with the pen. I believe this would make for a more visually interesting comic and the lines would be picked up better by the app I used to scan it in. I would also look into adding some more texture though i'm not certain my work needs it. Personally, I enjoy cleaner scapes, with simple lines and shading, but for the story, I do think it would've benefitted from some texture to represent the panic especially in panel 2.3. 

Overall, I am very content with my final product, though i'm not one to immediately use pen, I wouldn't shy from using it in the future. It was a great exercise in developing plot, expanding ideas and trying to do more with less.
DVB102 / The Comic Strip

DVB102 / The Comic Strip
