In this project I was describing a deer jumping over a bus at a park. At first I was trying to figure out what angle I wanted to make my deer jump at. I was also considering doing a 3D like pattern with the deer but decided to stick with natural colors in the end. I then began throwing in the other parts of the image. I started with the bus since it was one of the focal points then went to the slide and ferris wheel. For the back ground I did 3 layers of trees to convey distance between the front and back of the image. It also helped with making the ferris wheel seem bigger since it looks over the trees. 
This project is about chickens running across the street with iphones. I was not sure whether I wanted to put the phones in the front of the chickens, showing them looking at them, or with the phone in the wing. I decided to go with the phone in the wing because I felt like it represented more of a running motion for the chickens. I then threw in trees along with the city background because the city background seemed to bland my itself. Then to finish it off I added some clouds to complete the background.
In this final project I was showing a frog laying out on a towel at the beach. I started with a yellow green frog brush to make the base then topped the frog off with dark green to add detail. I Then moved on to adding the background and the foundation for the frog to lay on. I did similar steps for making the beach towel by doing white first then adding the red to finish it off. At the end I applied some palm trees to add more structure to the background. I also added some clouds because I felt like I needed to add more to the sky. 
Madlib Project

Madlib Project


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