In this project, I began by making stamps of the chickens by finding the pictures online and using the quick selection tool to cut the chicken out. I then used a picture of a park for the background photo, I made it green so that the chickens would stand out in the picture. The next day I placed a table and put some cards on the table, I placed the table in between the chickens by also using quick selection. Then I placed these lights behind the tables to add depth to the picture.
While working on this piece i decided to take a different turn and use different images after the first day. I started to use more quality images and make sure they work well together. The next day I changed the color of the moon because I felt that the moon should be light and the sky should be darker so you could see the stars. Then I changed the dog so that he could be working on the computer just like my art-lib said. I then added an astronaut helmet by making a path around the picture and layer masking and then making a stamp. I added a rocket and then some aliens to the background of the picture to tie the whole picture in to be around outer space.
I began by bringing a photo of the fair into photoshop then selecting the picture and making a stamp of it. I then make 3 different layers of the same picture in 3 different colors, blue, green, and pink, and put it into multiply so that the colors would blend well together. Then I did the same thing with the clouds, made a few different layers with the different colors and put them on top of each other and changed the opacity for each one. I put the cows on the ground and made shadows so that they look like they are walking on the ground and put these girls on their backs because they are supposed to be riding the cows around the fair. 


