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Azerbaijan Films with smiles

Sleep ( Azerb. Yuxu ) is an Azerbaijani comedy with elements of a 2001 melodrama produced by the Azerbaijanfilm and Vahid film studios.
The film is dedicated to the love of two young people. The story begins with a dream when Aliabbas saw in a dream that he had kidnapped his girlfriend, the daughter of the head of the police department, and told his grandmother. The milkmaid who caught them at that moment picked up the news and started spreading rumors around the village. Rumors reached the police station and the head of the department, who, worried about his image, ordered the arrest of Aliabbas. One day Aliabbas was swimming in the sea and the chief's son tried to drown him with his friends. But Aliabbas fled from them and went missing, someone spread a rumor that Aliabbas had died and his grief-stricken grandmother Masma began to curse the police officers for a crime that never happened. When Farajov arrived, Masma took a pitchfork and tried to drive him away. Shortly thereafter, Aliabbas returned home in military uniform and told Masma.
“I remember you, teacher” or “Our teacher Jabish” (“Our Jabish muallim”) ( Azerb. Bizim Cəbiş müəllim ) is a feature film by Azerbaijani director Hasan Seyidbeyli , filmed in 1969 at the Azerbaijanfilm studio. The film script was based on Maksud Ibragimbekov 's story "The 1001st Night of War".
The film tells about the fate of a Baku school teacher during the Great Patriotic War . This is Seidbeyli's first film, which he did not shoot according to his script.
Mashadi Ibad, as you can see, is better than the rest. But unlike others, he earns money halal in front of the audience in his cramped shop. Mashadi Ibad is the only person in the whole plot who does not want to deceive anyone. He is extremely sincere with everyone, does not hide the means to achieve what he wants and desires. Everyone around is cheating on each other, playing games. He is honest in his naivety, trusts everyone and expects the same from his opponents. Everyone in the film uses his sincerity. Enjoying the "ability" of these liars and the "primitiveness" of Mashadi, who sincerely believes in the truth, has been a reason for the audience for many years. In any case, no one gives money to anyone but him. Everyone tries to grab as much as possible. It is true that Mashadi does not happily distribute money. But the reason for this is not selfishness, but the realization that he is deceived at every step and the resentment that comes from it. However, he still pays and does it voluntarily, because no one can force him. Unlike those around him, he does not take bribes. Works in a highly competitive environment. However, unlike the "smart" people around him, they are doing so well that they press their tongues to their teeth and say "labbek" in front of Mashadi. Very good result for a fool. Doesn't it seem that millions of our compatriots, laughing at the insanity of this character, in fact unknowingly mock his honesty, sincerity and generosity? Why don't those millions of spectators naturally feel sorry for Mashadi Ibad? What is Mashadi's fault? Does he want to get married as a single man and marry a beautiful young girl? What is to be condemned here? He did not kidnap his daughter, he just came to get engaged, and by the way, without hiding his age. On the other hand, no one rejected his request, on the contrary, they created conditions and promised. And what was the result? Mashadi, a halal man, was deceived, robbed and beaten in front of the audience.
Mother-in-law ( Azerb. Qayınana ) is a musical comedy filmed in 1978 at the Azerbaijanfilm studio by Huseyn Seidzade based on the play of the same name by Mejid Shamkhalov . The comedy is based on a family conflict on a domestic theme.
The main heroine of the comedy, Aunt Jannet (played by Nasib Zeynalova ) is a domineering and old-world matriarch of a simple Baku family, a picky mother-in-law. Sevda (played by Tanilya Akhmerova ), the wife of her son Ayaz (played by Fuad Poladov ), cannot please her in anything . When Sevda gets tired of all this, she asks Ayaz to take her out of the house. A close family friend - Ilgar (played by Ilham Akhmedov ) provides Sevda with his child with his dacha and creates a plan on how to teach a finicky mother-in-law a lesson. According to the plan, Ayaz introduces to his mother his new bride Afet (played by Inara Guliyeva ), who is actually an actress and singer Zarifa, Ilgar's fiancee.
Afet possesses, at first glance, all the qualities that Janet could not find in Sevda. The mother-in-law gladly agrees to this "marriage." In the meantime, Ayaz, under the guise of a business trip, is at the dacha with Sevda, Zarifa in the role of Afet turns the life of Aunt Jannet, who is used to commanding everyone, into hell. Unable to withstand the tricks of the new daughter-in-law, Jannet asks her son to bring Sevda back. She puts up with Sevda. The comedy ends with a happy dinner in the family circle, at which Zarifa is also present, but presented to Aunt Jannet as Ilgar's bride.
The Cloth Peddler (Azerbaijani: Arşın Mal Alan) is a 1945 Azerbaijani comedy film made in Baku, based on the Arshin Mal Alan (operetta) by the famous Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov.
Set in Baku at the turn of the 20th century, a young successful businessman Asgar (Rashid Behbudov) wishes to marry. He wants his bride to be the choice of his heart, however, Azerbaijani tradition restricted him from communicating with the lady as a lover before marriage. So Asgar decides to disguise himself as a mere cloth peddler and the young woman Gulchoehra (Leyla Badirbayli) falls in love with him. However, she is concerned that her father, Soltan bey (Alakbar Huseynzade) will not allow her to marry a cloth peddler. Young Asgar then reveals himself to her father and asks for her hand in marriage. Seeing that he is indeed a wealthy young man, the father agrees and the two are permitted to marry.
Azerbaijan Films with smiles


Azerbaijan Films with smiles
