shopPOC's logo, a short description of the project idea, tagline, and a description of the function of the app.
A moodboard for the app, defining the theme, as well as the typeface and color palette that will be used. The typeface and color palette are both designed to be modern and minimalistic, in order to appeal to a younger crowd. 
A set of design elements for the app to ensure that a consistent look is achieved over a sample pattern library. The "find a restaurant" button is shown in four different states (normal/passive, touch and hold, tap, and inactive), as well as four image icons depending on the specific meal and other elements (location search, spice meter, and price range).
A sketch of the home/main screen of the interface in a passive state, as well as a second screen that illustrates the main functionality of the app ie. searching for a local POC-owned business that supports the BLM movement. 

