Project: Poster Design

Mission: Design five posters for the University of Cyprus culture events that reflect the following styles
                    1- Surrealism
                    2- Art Deco
                    3- Retro
Challenge: Many ideas were blowing up while I was doing the research, the challenge was how to bring them alive. In each poster, I tried to find the fine elements and colors which will reflect the poster's. 

Goals: Catch the audience's eye by the first glimpse. Match the poster's content with styles and ideas.

Unique Solution: 
1- Use the human body and sculpture to illustrate the '' theater and art event ''  and applying modern tools and colors to them (cutting edge).
2- Focus on the visuals rather than the typography because all events are about art, dance, and theater events.
                                                                Thank You
Falling Apart


Falling Apart
