Profil Pratikshya Sahoo

Redesign of Tracxn Founder's Page

Redesigning Tracxn’s ‘For Founders’ page (Case Study)

Problems in design of the page:
The contents of the Home page were very less and not clear.
Fonts were not matching with the design and there was no space in between the words which makes it difficult to read.
All the contents mentioned in navigation bar was closely spaced.
Color of the page was not collaborating with designs which was making it messed up.
Contents were put in messed up order which was making it difficult to understand.
The dropdown of the code  in request demo page, were not in proper order and in the mobile number field, there was up n down button which was not necessary making it confusing for the user to enter data.
Alignment of every points mentioned was not in proper order

Changes done:
Redesign of -
Home Page , Request demo page , Search page, Pricing page, Contact Page

Design decision behind the proposed changes were made :
So that flow of the page would be clearer and make user easy to understand.
Rather putting messy contents, it’s better to use less contents and clearer as well so that the user can identify what’s the page is describing and what they need to do.
Using colors for particular content page will help the user to focus on the things that we want to make them see by providing the basic information which would be helpful for them.
Some components were added in the designs for the better flow and for lesser space intake.
Redesign of Tracxn Founder's Page

Redesign of Tracxn Founder's Page

Redesigning Tracxn’s ‘For Founders’ page (Case Study)
