The purpose of the eNewsletter above all was to build communications with Bombardier stakeholders and the executive brand team highlighting business aircraft news, product updates and events.

We developed five regional e-newsletters using a streamlined content management tool. We built Sales Director HTML emails that linked to the corresponding e-newsletters from the regional teams in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East, U.S. and Western Europe.

Ongoing tracking showed a dramatic increase of open-and-click-through rates which garnered higher attendance at corporate events, deeper conversations about products, and increased sales of aircraft worldwide.

Agency: Centigrade
Account Coordinator: Heidi Gullekson

Creative Direction: Brian Kotulis
Copywriting: Nick Swallow
Copywriting: Bombardier Staff

Graphic Design: Brian Kotulis
Retouching: Brian Kotulis
HTML Programming: Brian Kotulis
Traffic: Heidi del Serrone
Photography: Bombardier
Photography: iStock Photo
Bombardier HTML Monthly eNewsletters


Bombardier HTML Monthly eNewsletters
