Quinta Shopping Branding (2017-2019)

Quinta Shopping is a boutique mall located in the unique region of Quinta do Lago, in the Algarve, Portugal. 

When we picked the Quinta Shopping project, there was a need to strengthen the brand visuals, after nearly six years since their last rebrand. The uplift required us to immerse in creating a visual style that was simultaneously elegant and fashionable while enriching the visual universe with elements that could add character to the brand.

In a contemporary interpretation of the traditional elements, we added visual features characteristic of the surrounding region connecting them with text or photography: references to traditional elements, architecture, wrought iron elements that could be found at the mall, etc. The visual universe was then implemented through the signage of Quinta Shopping, events, promotions, social media and website.


Sandra Lopes
art direction and project management

Daniel Gomes
website design and brand key visuals

Cátia Dionisio
website development

Brígida Guerreiro
graphic design and signage

Ramiro Mendes

Marta Gouveia
copywriter and social media manager

André Oliveira
community manager


Visit us at kobu.agency or send an enquiry to hello@kobu.pt

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Quinta Shopping Branding (2017-2019)

Quinta Shopping Branding (2017-2019)

Branding project for Quinta Shopping, a boutique mall in the Algarve (Portugal). We uplifted the brand by incorporating visual features character Read More
