36 Days of Type (but not numbers because I got distracted, so more like 26 days) 2020.
Nearly every letter (obvs exceptions you can probably spot) was hand-made with pens, paper+scissors, ink & other stuff. Then a little Photoshop treatment for consistency. I was listening to Andy Weatherall a lot in the spring, especially the Two Lone Swordsmen mix of the Ricardo Villalobos's tune Dexter. Weatherall apparently re-recorded everything because Villalobos didn't send him the tracks for the remix in time. He re-recorded and rebuilt the whole tune with a live band. Check it out. That inspired this mostly analogue 36 Days of Type.


36 Days of Type (but not numbers because I got distracted, so more like 26 days) 2020
36 Days of Type 2020
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36 Days of Type 2020

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