Good Boy Box | Brand Identity, Packaging

Brand identity | Packaging | Copywriting

Good Boy! Box is human-grade pet food that is formulated to make pets feel as good as it tastes. People want the best for their pets, but their busy lives get in the way. Good Boy! Box answers pets’ needs with little effort required from their owners.

We created a brand identity that captures the intended result of feeding your pet human-grade food – an animal that brims with energy and excitement. The bold colours and typography, and the logo reflect this liveliness. The playful tone of voice further supports the look and feel.
Good Boy Box | Brand Identity, Packaging
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Good Boy Box | Brand Identity, Packaging

Good Boy! Box is human-grade pet food that is formulated to make pets feel as good as it tastes. People want the best for their pets, but their b Lire la suite

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