Profiel van Hayley Green

Regarding Nouns, Foot

Regarding Nouns: Foot

The purpose is to think laterally, to think beyond the obvious. It is encouraged that syballism, relationship, action, intention, purpose, etc are all explored throughout this project. Color is utilized to aid in telling a story. Analog craft is carried out, with a strong focus on the process of printing- both mechanical as well as block printing. Binding is also explored in this piece. 

The result is a compelling 35 page hand-bound booklet, with the only type being a single letterform block printed onto the cover and attribution on the back. 

Link to process here: Dropmark

Finished book

Process work: mind map
Lateral thinking is stressed

Process work: Letterform sketches
Lateral thinking and expression is stressed

Process work: 5 Refined letterforms

Process work: Finished and carved letterform
Carved into linocut

Process work: (Although these ideas were not used) text prints of linocut stamp
Linocut printed on cardstock with speedball black printing ink

Process Work: Indesign working file
Images are converted to greyscale in photoshop and colorized in indesign

Process work: exploration of spot colors and paper colors
Creates faux duotone, and allows for variation within book

Process work: Punching holes to be hand sewn

A 2 page spread, depicting foothills

Flipsnack of finished layout

Flip through of finished book

thank you.
Regarding Nouns, Foot


Regarding Nouns, Foot


Creatieve disciplines