Visuals 2
Every picture tells your own personal story. In every picture is a trigger that reminds you of earlier personal situations. By watching the pictures and focusing on the most important detail of the picture your subconscious will come up with a mental picture of something you experienced. Your subconscious mind follows three simple rules; stimulus-respons (triggers), the highest relative emtional value will be selected and last the mechanism of avoiding painful situations. 

Try the following;
1) Watch the picture
2) What is the most important detail of the pictures, the place you keep looking at, focus!
3) What is the physical feeling you experience (eg where do feel joy or anger in your body?)
4) What mental picture comes up next?
5) Repeat  the steps above

The technique is about association and makes you aware that all the triggers around us are labeled with emotions of our past. That is the way we learn, adapt, judge and behave. Our subconscious determines up to 90% of our behaviour. so if you want to change, you have to talk to that part of the brain....

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Visuals 2

Visuals 2

Visuals is a series of photo's selected from the net which are used as triggers to make you aware of the mechanisms directing our behaviour. Over Read More
