Logo animation

Enhancing brand identity goes beyond static imagery with logo animation. For infogr8, an award-winning content agency specializing in data-driven visual storytelling, this dynamic element adds depth and personality to their brand. As an Information Designer within the agency, I had the privilege of contributing to various internal assets, including the creation of the logo animation.

In my role, I took on the task of designing and animating the logo for infogr8. This involved conceptualizing ideas to visually represent the essence of the agency's brand and translating them into dynamic motion. From ideation to execution, I ensured that the animation effectively captured the agency's ethos while aligning with its visual identity.

Client: infogr8

The logo animation for infogr8 serves as a dynamic representation of the agency's commitment to innovation and creativity. By infusing movement into the logo, we added a layer of dynamism that resonates with audiences and reinforces the agency's position as a leader in data-driven storytelling. This animated asset not only enhances brand recognition but also injects vitality into various communication channels, elevating the overall brand experience for clients and stakeholders alike.



Sectores creativos