BRANDY & COCO's profile

Website for The Junction Co


The Junction Co. is a creative enterprise collaboration specializing in place activation and learning experiences. Their vision is to inspire and empower Pilbara based artisans and creatives. ​​​​​​​


T H E  C O N C E P T

We created a new website for them. The goal  was to support their audience to stay informed about which workshops are taking place and what exhibitions are on the Courthouse Gallery. We decided on a very clear, strong black and white look to keep it as simple as possible for any user to navigate through the page. It all started with a Workshop to define their needs and develop a structure that includes all the content that had to be displayed.


T H E  W E B S I T E

The Website uses WordPress as a Content Management System, which we love to us since it makes it easier for the client to add content by himself.

Website for The Junction Co