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Every patient is more confident of this type of root canal treatment as they can themselves see and easily understand all the procedure going on step by step on screen, during the procedure and also after the completion of the same.

Now with the help of latest Gadgets and Technology and advancement in the skilled training of the Best Dentist In Chandigarh, Root Canal Treatment has become PAIN FREE and more of a single visit procedure (80% cases are done in single visit)

  In previous days if there was any pain or infection in the tooth people usually undergoes an extraction but now a days one can save his/her natural tooth with the help of root canal treatment. It is the straightforward procedure to relieve dental pain and save your natural tooth .
Root canal treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent the reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth .

HI TECH DIGITAL Root Canal Treatment:
We at DENTAL WORLLD are well equipped with best quality equipment and Dental Implant Specialist to complete the Root Canal Treatment with utmost perfection and accuracy
These include:
RVG Radiovisiography: it is the most helpful tool for diagnosing teeth problems and display in a large digital picture of the x-ray on the screen where both the Doctor and the Patient can clearly see and understand the actual problem in the tooth, and also verify each and every level of the Root Canal Treatment step by step.

< >DIGITAL APEX LOCATOR: Dentist in Sector 43 Chandigarh are glad to own J MORITA apex locator which is simply the Gold standard for measuring the actual length of the tooth in any given situation. NSK ENDOMOTOR : This is an another gadget which helps in speeding up the long procedure of Root Canal Treatment, moreover helping us achieve 6% or larger taper of canal preparation for better irrigation and cleaning.

< >ENDOACTIVATOR: In a Root Canal Treatment Irrigation being the most important step, by means of an Endoactivator, the irrigating solution is activated and thus it becomes 10 times more potent and reaches its highest efficiency.

< >OBTURATION SYSTEM: Root Canal anatomy is all 3 dimensional, so to fill all the canals in all nick and corners, this latest gadget in happily a part of our inventory.

It is only with the combined combination effect of these all equipments we are able to do a pain free and quick Root Canal Treatment.
               The term root canal comes from cleaning of the canals inside the tooth’s root. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of tooth (the pulp) and cleaning it, then filling the space created with suitable material and sealing it.
What are common causes affecting the pulp of a tooth and creating a need of a RCT procedure?

Cracked toothA Deep cavity/ carries Repeated Dental Treatment to the tooth Trauma to the toothHard tooth brushing causing deep cervical lesions.Over grinding of tooth while fabricating a bridge.Trauma from occlusion.Pain while chewing or biting A chipped or cracked tooth Pain radiating towards neck and head When pain goes away with cold water in mouthSensitivity to hot and cold Swollen or tender gums Deep decayFrequent Food lodgment between teeth with pain/sensitivity 

Root canal treatment consists of a number of steps that take place over several dental visits, depending on the situation.
Firstly, the Dentist in Sector 22 Chandigarh examines and x-rays the tooth, then local anesthesia is administered to the affected tooth to numb the area near the tooth. A rubber dam (a sheet of rubber) is usually placed over the affected tooth to isolate it and keep it free from saliva.
The Dentist in Sector 44 Chandigarh makes an opening through the back of front tooth or the crown of molar or premolar to remove the infected pulp. Next the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and shaped with the help of instruments and medicines to make them infection free.
Then the root canal is filled with gutta percha material and is sealed in place with suitable cement. If more than one visit is needed, a temporary filling is placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth in between the dental visits.
 In the final step, a crown is usually placed over the tooth to restore its natural shape and appearance and give the tooth the much needed strength.
Efficient Chewing Normal Biting Forces Natural Appearance of face
Protects other teeth from excessive wear or strain
Also preserves the Bone Tissue around itself 

DIGITAL ROOT CANAL TREATMENT (RCT) is a very technique sensitive procedure that has to be performed by a trained and experienced Best Dentist In Chandigarh with all required Equipments.




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