Black and White Silver Gelatin Prints
11" by 14" Ilford Fibre Based Paper
My heart feels warm for these forgotten places that were once used to be patronized by people. I love to see how nature overtakes these man made places over again once human interference has been lost. The broken doors and wilting walls, have become home to weeds and insects once again.
I photographed an old control house that opens and closes the gate for the passing train and vehicles on the road. The train tracks that now have been removed used to be the connecting passage to and fro Singapore and Malaysia. It was called the KLM which stopped service a few years ago due to the popularity of airplane transportation.
I also photographed an abandoned hostel that apparently used to be for Brunei foreign students. The entire area is huge with levels and levels or empty, desolate rooms. Luggages and personal belongings left behind by old patroners create the feeling of what used to be. This is coupled by the interferences of youngsters as its walls are graffitied and vandalised. 


Shot in Medium Format 120mm Black and White, developed and printed onto 11" by 14" prints. For my class assignment
