Remote working

Remote working for 2020
- adobe Document Cloud, 2020 -

Remote working is now widely recognised as part of the way businesses operate. According to a 2019 report by the International Workplace Group, almost two-thirds of companies worldwide have a flexible workspace policy.
Despite this widespread acceptance, however, every business looking at teleworking still faces the same questions. How will it impact productivity? How will employees respond? What new challenges does a remote workforce create?...
This research set out to examine the importance of all these questions. Because the survey coincided with the period in spring 2020 when European countries were locked down to prevent the spread of Covid-19, responses came from across the spectrum of remote working experiences. As a result, the survey gives a comprehensive picture of employee feelings, from those who were already committed to remote working to those whose situation would discourage them from trying it in normal circumstances. 
Adobe Studio EMEA created the visualisation for the report and landing page.

In association with London Research

​​​​​​​Art Director:Tasnim Bhuiyan
  Artwork: Joseph and Sebastian 
Marketing Manager: Elsina George

Remote working