Profilo di Maria Stefan

Free Waddles Game design [Gravity Falls]

Discover the mysteries and challenging puzzles of 

A brief point & click adventure in escape room style based on the TV series Gravity Falls.

As a Game Designer, my intent was to create a game in an art style consistent with that of Alex Hirsch's art for the TV show.
The Mystery Shack Gift Shop was recreated based on screen shots from the show and other fan art. All the game assets are
available in vector format. As this is a personal project, the game concept and design are exculsively mine. 

First screen shot: 
The story of how Waddles got trapped in the cage appears in the begining of the game on a piece of paper.
When you click Waddles the first time, the following text appears on the screen : 
“Two eyes? This thing’s deluxe!”” Bill Chiper 
The game has 9 achievements which are described below.

1. CLUE (animation): Eyes are waddlling. 

player action and result: When the player clicks on the eyes the 5$ sign gets bigger/changes colour.

IMPLIED CLUE : You need COINS to buy an eye (you need 5 coins hidden separatly in the ? boxes on the left). Click on multiple boxes until you find 5 coins.

2. player action and result: When the player clicks on the jar full of eyes to buy one eye the missing eye of the skull appears and the two eyes then send beams of light to the wall on the right that highlight the writing that gives the next clue. 

3. CLUE: “Songs are like hugs that mouths give to ears” - Mable

player action and result: When the player clicks on the RADIO - music starts/changes.

4.  CLUE:  UFOs start moving/dancing on the music from the radio.

player action and result: When the player clicks on one of the UFOs and it will move/fly to the right corner, at Mystery Shack souvernir level.  (Or keep clicking on the ship until it reaches this place)

5. player action and result: When the player clicks on ONE OF THE GLASS SOUVENIRS,  it will drop on the floor and break followed by a roaring sound
of the BEAR.

6. player action and result: When the player clicks on THE OTHER GLASS SOUVENIR and the action repeats itself but this time in addition, the door slightly opens and wind comes in. 

7. CLUE: The wind that comes in through the door creates a slight movement in the cards in the right courner (on the ? stand).

player action and result: When the player clicks on the CARD WITH THE DRAWING the next clue appears.

8. CLUE (on screen text): ”Reality is an illusion..”- Bill Cipher
9. CLUE (animation): the THREE JOURNALS start moving slightly, signalling you are closer to the end. 

player action and result: The player must click on all three journals individually. Once all three journals are selected you will get to read Waddles' side of the story.

You have released Waddles and you can now give him all the belly rubs that he deserves!
Free Waddles Game design [Gravity Falls]


Free Waddles Game design [Gravity Falls]
