St.Matthew's Nursery design
Inspiration for the St Matthew’s Nursery design came from children and their drawings.  Colourful and friendly images of animals, nature landscapes and urban cities.  It gave me the idea of designing a small town: “House within a house”.  This is a place of discovery for children to use their imagination with the help of bright colours and friendly silhouettes.  There are three main classrooms: Reception1, Reception 2, Nursery class.  Each of the rooms has a different theme:  urban – city, nature – forest, ocean.  I changed the original plans, made some extensions in order to provide more room and improve the lighting of the space.  The purpose of my design was to make a space FOR children and their needs.
Nursery class 1. Urban theme
Nursery room 2. Nature theme
Reception class. Ocean theme 
St.Matthew's Nursery

St.Matthew's Nursery

Project. St Matthew’s Nursery Design Inspiration for the St Matthew’s Nursery design came from children and their drawings. Colourful and friendl Læs mere


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