A calendar photo series of the evolution of video games through the years with a twist of social message hidden inside them.

Video games are often a means to escape from the reality to a virtual world, where we can go on countless adventures and quests. But while fighting the evils in these games we should not forget about the evils in the real world.

We talk about various issues through these photos ranging from global warming, littering, conforming to societal norms, animal abuse to cyber bullying.

Jan: Pacman
Inventions are great, but we’ve created something that’s going to haunt us for years ahead. Cut the plastic, shoo the ghost away.

Feb: Tetris
Eventually everything connects - or does it? All the people we try to fit into our norms and standards, they might just belong to different puzzles.

Mar: Mario
Being on a mission isn’t an excuse to litter. Beat those enemies, find the love of your life, collect a few coins here and there, but throw your trash too.  If Mario can do it, so can you. 

Apr: Street Fighter
No one should have to fight for their basic human rights. One’s sexuality or gender identity doesn’t make them any different from the rest of us.

May: Solitaire
Secrecy and deception are the beginner’s guide to politics. trust no one, and watch out for those saints, they’re about to play their ace. 

Jun: Road Rash
The use of fossil fuels is a leading environmental crisis of the century. Play your part, chuck the fuel. After all, it’s a race against the law, not the nature. 

Jul: 3D Pinball
The ball that we call home has been warming up 20 times faster than ever. Climate change deniers - step back and think. Extreme weather conditions aren’t what we’re trying to balance here.

Aug: Sims
There are seven billion of us, each with our different moods. But there’s something we share - natural resources. Let’s switch that light off and save a little.

Sep: Angry Birds
Their inability to express like humans doesn’t make animals immune to pain. Stop the animal cruelty. A little empathy never harmed anyone.

Oct: Minecraft
We’re all trying to build a better future for oursleves, block by block, tree by tree. But are we willing to pay the price of all this destruction in disguise?

Nov: Pubg
Social media is great - everyone gets to share their lives, their opinions and correct others. But it’s all fun and games until it’s a knockout.

Dec: Cyberpunk 2077
Capitalism has been exploiting people and the nature, and no one seems to care. will we bother when we have price tags on our body?
The Layout
Styling & Art Direction 

