Henkilön Chutikarn Benjamapokai profiili

Infographic Thailand Internship

Infographic Content and Design
I have an opportunity to do an internship at Like Me Co. Ltd., or we know it as Infographic Thailand. I'm an intern trainee of the project called "Intern from Home", which created by the company during covid. I have intern here for 1 month as a Graphic Designer.

The challenge that I faced during the internship was, I carried out work that I hardly have done before, especially about create topics and paraphrase the content into our version. The work assigned to the creative team, but our supervisor wants everyone to learn equally. We can understand the process of creating content, while, the creative team can learn about the idea and process of design. I realized the difference between university life and work-life. It took a lot of time to finish the content. I challenge myself to be a fast worker and focus on creativity and design the demand content that suitable to the company's target group.

Special Thanks to
- Khun Matang (Supervisor/Content Manager)
- Khun Palm (Supervisor/Graphic Designer)
- Other Intern Trainees

Credit: Infographic Thailand
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/infographic.thailand
Infographic Thailand Internship

Infographic Thailand Internship

These are the mood board and the final outcome of each assignment during my internship.
