May 2013
   A stitch can fix things when they separate is what I tell myself when I lose a person or a button, a memory or a sock. This book is a visual representation of my thought process; my attempt to make myself believe that the button won’t fall off again and the sock won’t disappear. I found myself thinking that if I can fill in the visual gaps of reality to become whole again, maybe I can make myself whole.
   I have created a hyper-reality through this meditative process. Black and white is reality and reality is static. In order to change a constant I have to include an additive. The blue stitch is my additive, it is my dream stitch that mends and secures. The blue stitch isn’t real; it’s not really holding the trees together. If I can skew perspective, though, and make it appear as if it belongs, maybe I’ll be able to trick myself into thinking that it is real.
   Maybe I can trick myself into thinking that losing you was a good thing. I’m trying to find comfort in the blue stitch.
Sleep Stitching

Sleep Stitching

Hand bound book using medium format photography printed digitally on watercolor paper, including yard sewn throughout.


Creatieve disciplines