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unit 1 game analysis interaction design

1 unit game analysis activity 1, looking back
1. - hide and seek
- dodge ball
- tag

- hide n seek= to be found last
- tag= to not get tagged!!!!!

hide n seek was so fun because you always tried to beat your friends and one up them. hide better then them. get ultimate bragging rights.
Tag was the best because you could "free run" and go different routes to confuse the enemy. You would also become healthier from the running

4. i always hated manhunt(group tag). after being tagged, u r "it" with the other person like being infected in a zombie apocalypse. it was bad because if your the last person you have nowhere to run. If you are tagged first, you have to wait till everybody is tagged.

activity 2
1. 2 games i have played and want to analysis are cribbage and Crazy Eights.

2.I don't know exactly how unique crib is but i know it is way more original than crazy eights. crib is a math type game that uses certain cards and numbers to make points. the ultimate goal of the game is to get 120 points! there are lots of knock offs of crazy eights and different versions. i don't know if crazy eights is a knock off or not, but i know its not very original. crib has a lot of strategy, but also a lot of luck. crib rely's on what cards you get and how you play the cards. crib is very re playable, if the people playing are about the same skill level then the game is half luck base, half skill based. You still have to know what cards to play, but you also have to get good cards. Crazy eights is 90 percent luck, 10 percent skill. What cards you get is what makes you decide if you want to play again. Otherwise it is very re-playable! Crib and Crazy eights are not very predictable. Its anyone's game, it all depends on what cards you get and how you play them. As long as the players are about the same skill level, in both the games everybody has an equal opportunity. it just depends on what cards. In crazy eights its almost completely random who wins. the person losing could make the person winning pick up 4 cards and then they are even again. In crib it can be a snowball effect, but then the person who took a huge lead could get 3 bad hands in crib and the person who was losing then could take the lead with a couple good hands. neither of these games have a kingmaker effect because all it takes is a couple bad cards and the tables turn drastically. in crib, the players have to play till the end, there is no eliminations. in crazy eights, depending on how you play, the winner could be the one waiting for the others to finish. so there is no early eliminations in crib or crazy eights. both games stick to a common theme, crib is math and skill related. Crazy eights is more luck related and silly. For crazy eights you just need yourself, a deck of cards and a friend. For crib you need either a Crib board or a piece, a deck of cards and a friend. Crib is a very skillful game, but still luck because you never know what cards you will get. Crazy eights is mainly luck because it rely's on the cards you get which are random. crib is a longer game with some complex rules, but as long as you have a basic understanding of counting up to 31 your good to play! Crazy eights is a simple and short game that not many rules and can be played at almost any age. 

Activity 3

- there will be at least one game with the "king maker effect" 
- there will be at least one game where skill is needed to win and one game where there no skill and almost all luck.
- board and card games usually need less stuff to run and play the game. 
- card games need only a deck of cards. 
- board games need some other components like game pieces.
- you have to think of rules
- you have to think of a game idea
- video games need special app on a device of some sort
- board games you just need some paper for rules and maybe some game pieces
- a good game should have rules. 
- a new fresh experience.
- single player and multiplayer game play. 

unit 1 game analysis interaction design

unit 1 game analysis interaction design
