Juniper berries and a combination
of botanical/herbal and floral flavors.

Develop a gin brand based on the structure of a
greenhouse which main ingredients will be the 
botanic findings by Dr. David Livingstone.
Towards 1865 Dr. David Livingstone undertook one of the most important expeditions of his life. He began a trip through the central regions of Africa on this trip he would discover from new species to the most exotic botany that someone had imagined, starting with the island of Zanzibar belonging to Tanzania, to delve into the African continent, where he discovered the lakes of Bangweulu and Moero and the Lualaba river.
On this trip he would make the greatest discoveries of his life from Lake Ngame to what he would name Victoria Falls in honor of the Queen of the United Kingdom. 
During this expedition, not only did he discover places, Dr. Livingstone set out to open routes in Africa to facilitate commercial activity on this road and with his dedication and research of botany, he studied plants that had curative powers, he explored making infusions and planting combined seeds to create new healing plants, he also studied new species and each of their environments his meticulous dedication and research was reflected in manuscripts that he kept under lock and key. Later on, Dr. Livingstone had to undertake a new trip, what he didn’t count on, was that he would never return to document his new findings.
Several years passed before his manuscripts were found, and thanks to them the creation of a British gin began but with the pure essence of the findings of in his expeditions.
Co-designers: Nicolás Angarita and Dalila Arrighini
Tutor: Asa Cook Design Bridge/ Intertype Studio
School: Elisava