Nicole K. Lyon (nklgraphics) sin profil

Keep Calm We Are All Disabled | Abertay University

Keep Calm We're All Disabled 
Honours Project
Abertay University
“I was standing in a cafe line and in front of me was a women (carer) pushing an elderly woman in her wheelchair and when placing their order the women behind the counter asked the carer if the lady would like milk in her tea. On hearing this I then thought to myself:  What so wrong with asking the lady herself?"

This was a story I heard in my high school years and has stayed with me ever since, shaping my own views on disability and was the inspiration for this project. 

Determining the project’s main idea lay within exploring disability as a whole.  The core basis to this project was to explore disability within society.

"Everyone’s body changes throughout life; it is part of the human condition.  But the fact of the matter is, disability is normal" - More Than Ramps
This quote helped me to determine which direction the project would take and how it could connect to a much wider audience. 

The final artifacts are designed to make the audience think of how your life is going to change no matter what.  It is not to show the grief or joy people take out of disability; it’s about making disability normal through the audience understanding and accepting disability.

The poster got featured at the No Opportunity Exhibition 2017 organised by JamHot.  
Keep Calm Poster
Keep Calm Video
Keep Calm We Are All Disabled | Abertay University

Keep Calm We Are All Disabled | Abertay University

Honours Project. Disability Campaign.
