Perfil de Alex Cammidge

Summer 2020 animations

2020 - summer animations
during the summer of 2020 I had just finished year 2 of my University degree course at Northumbria University and had some time to kill until my return in September. during this time, to expand my portfolio, I did lots of illustration and  I also experimented with 2d animation using my Asus Laptop, Parblo Coast 10 graphics tablet and the animation software: adobe flash cs6. I created an animation a week for 18 weeks and uploaded them, one after another, to my Instagram (@alexcammidge). A lot of my animations were short and made to loop but I am proud of them and feel that I have learnt a lot about animation, different methods, tricks and ways of making movement. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the following animations.
Summer 2020 animations


Summer 2020 animations
