Henkilön Lorenzo Bracalente profiili

IL DISASTRO short comic

storia completa di 8 pagine.

The child had fallen from a height of twenty-three meters. He looked like a broken toy.
His mother took to the streets, but passersby stopped her. Her desperate cries drooped over the ambulance sirens...
echoed throughout the neighborhood...reached the bars where elderly retirees played slot machines while drinking a shot...the offices where clerks got ready to go home after a day's work...​​​​​​​parks, public places, public housing. It spread everywhere.

The scream became more intense. it was loud, and it kept getting louder and louder...it penetrated people's brains until their ears bleed...dogs barked and whined, confused birds bumped against buildings and fell to the ground...car and window panes shattered into a thousand pieces. The screams set off alarms in shops, cars and apartments, causing a terrifying and chaotic crescendo.
The noises amalgamated in an unbearable mechanical and repetitive symphony, but the human cry stood out incessantly, more violent, more raw, more intense.
The screams were heard throughout the nation. Through the air they spread throughout the world and then beyond. They came to be heard in all galaxies, in empty interstellar spaces, up to the most remote confines of the cosmos.
When there was no longer a place in creation where the voice did not resound, the woman emitted a blinding glow and exploded, putting an end to that universe and generating a new one.
Thirteen billion and eight hundred million years later, a child, left alone to play on the balcony of the fifth floor of an apartment building, falls over the edge.
IL DISASTRO short comic


IL DISASTRO short comic
