Tanisha Guptas profil

The ties, the temple and aTheist

The Ties, the Temple and aThiest
The Ties, the Temple and aThiest, 2018, Pencil colors and acrylic 
Name: The Ties, the Temple and aThiest
Medium: Pencil colors and acrylic on ivory sheet 
Size: A3
Year: 2018
Artist's Statement:
India is a secular land with 79.8 % of the population identifying themselves as Hindus. In Hindu temples, bells are hung at the dome so that the devotees can ring it while entering into the sanctum. The ringing sound is said to amplify vibrations and destroy negativity. However, most of these traditions are superstitious in nature which is a widespread problem. The monks or sadhus reinforce these superstitions and their words keep ringing like a bell. I have illustrated the background using pencil colors which gives it a certain softness adding to the calming effect. The medium also allowed me to create realistic tresses which enhance his cunning and ferocious appearance.
The ties, the temple and aTheist

The ties, the temple and aTheist
